Fair Trade at your Congregation this Fall
Here’s how you can prepare your congregation for the fall and support small farmers.
1. Stock up on Equal Exchange products
Remember to use your 10% off fall discount code and be sure to join our email list to receive additional discount offers throughout the year for your table sales.
2. Energize your congregation
Share this 2-minute video during or after services, in an e-newsletter, or on your social media.
3. Church Bulletins
Include one of our prewritten pieces in your next church bulletin or post a printable version on your community board.
4. Invite us to present
We’d be delighted to join your community via Zoom at a time that works for you. Let us know what topics you are interested in:
Equal Exchange general overview
Focus on coffee, chocolate, tea or Palestinian olive oil
Sustainable agriculture at our partners’ cooperative farms and how it helps to impact climate change
The Equal Exchange co-op model and other aspects of the alternative trade business model
5. Current price list
Here’s our current price list with product offerings. You can download and print this list or shop online. We’ll gladly send a price list in the mail to you, if that works better.
6. How to’s
7. Explore our Resource Center
8. Get in touch
We’re here for you and we want to support your program. Give us a call or send us an email.
Susan Sklar
(401) 644-8094
Charlie Brandes
(216) 386-7540
Kristen King
(774) 776-7338
9. Spread the word
Know a church in your area that might also like to start an Equal Exchange program? We can provide you with product samples and materials to share with them, like this slide presentation and print-ready brochure introducing Equal Exchange. You and the new congregation may also be eligible for special introductory rewards. Give Kristen, Charlie, or Susan a call for more information. Helping our base to grow is one of the best ways that you can support our alternative trade model.
A holiday sale is a great way to bring fair trade gift options to your community. Whether you’re raising money for your group’s projects or and encouraging folks to engage in ethical gift purchasing with a social justice mission, here are some of our best tips for a successful table sale!