
Consumer support and advocacy has been absolutely crucial to Equal Exchange since our founding in 1986. Over the decades, consumers have organized with Equal Exchange to gain placement in grocery stores across the US, organized distribution of Equal Exchange products in their communities, and spread the word about our alternative trade model to friends, family, and neighbors to help build our alternative trade economy. 

Our model relies on the active participation of all three legs of the stool, a metaphor we use to describe Equal Exchange’s democratic multistakeholder model. The three legs of the stool are made up of small farmers, Equal Exchange worker-owners, and Citizen-Consumers like you. 

In 2016, we began to formalize our citizen-consumer network. Since that time Citizen-Consumers have gathered for annual summits to learn about the food system and build community. Members gather online for monthly meetings and for other educational events throughout the year. Together, we’ve also engaged in campaign activities including political and consumer-based actions to work toward a better food system.

In 2020, Equal Exchange formally created a space for Citizen-Consumers in our governance model through dedicated seats on the Equal Exchange board, filled and elected by Citizen-Consumers. 

Our membership has gone on to create non-profits inspired by the Equal Exchange mission, organized buying clubs in their community to distribute Equal Exchange products, helped to get placement of Equal Exchange products at their local grocery stores, engaged with local politicians for in-district meetings to encourage them to endorse legislation in support an independent food system, and formed friendships and community with like-minded folks from across the country.

Our solidarity trade model would not be possible without the active participation of Citizen-Consumers.

Interested in getting involved?


Articles featuring Citizen-Consumers

Here are some inspirational stories from a few Citizen-Consumer members of Equal Exchange.


Wupperthal Original Rooibos Cooperative


Finca Triunfo Verde (FTV)