Co-op Name: Proveedores Agrícolas Orgánicos
Location: Michoacán, Mexico
Partner since: 2013
Number of Producers: 10
Certifications: Organic, Fairtrade, Global GAP
Background: Productores Agrícolas Orgánicos, based in Uruapan, Michoacán, has been Equal Exchange’s longest avocado partner. Supporting the Fairtrade avocado program since 2013, this co-op was one of the first in the world to seek Fairtrade certification for avocado exports. Many of the members were some of the first to transition to organic production methods, marking them as champions of the organic avocado industry. Because a large part of PRAGOR members own generational family farms, it’s also common for them to have some of the oldest avocado trees in the region. The co-op currently comprises 10 farmer partners, making it one of the smallest of the producer groups.
Premium Project Highlights: True to their sustainability goals, PRAGOR has voted to invest premium dollars into social, environmental, and economic projects. They’ve done this through the purchase of instruments for local schools, purchase of materials for elderly care facilities, installation of solar-powered heating units for foster homes, and reforestation initiatives in the local community and on PRAGOR farms.
“We became commited to Fair Trade because we believe it is lifesaving. It assures a fair price and that makes the producer feel safe.”