2019 Scoops IKPA, Togo
Location: Togo
Number of Producers: 701
Average Farm Size: 1.2 hectares
Founded: 2018
Source For: Chocolate Bars
Interesting Facts: Ikpa, in the Kposo language, means strength and was chosen as the name for the cooperative because, according to its leaders, "together we are strong".
Full Profile: SCOOPS IKPA, located just north of SCOOPS PROCAB, was born out of SCOOPS PROCAB, with the support of our Fair Trade friends at Gebana Togo. After SCOOPS PROCAB grew too large for its region, members decided to split into two cooperatives to better serve their regions geographically. Although a newer cooperative, SCOOPS IKPA has a forward mission. They even have 2030 Vision, which includes : finding a solution to control the cacao pest mirid, getting the whole region growing organically for the health of the whole community, being strong example of a good cocoa company, diversifying services they offer to their members, and establishing a microfinance system to give small loans to members at competitive rates.
If you would like to learn more about this partner, please read their Partner Profile (PDF).